Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week of 01/29/15


    For my first week in an elementary classroom, I observed a first grade class. This is my favorite age of children and I enjoyed it more than I could have expected. Upon arriving at the classroom, school had just begun and student's were getting settled into the day. We started off the day with saying the date and singing a few songs. Seeing as the school year is over half way over, I think a lot of the kids are near each other developmentally. There are a few students who stand out from the others and you can tell their parents spent lots of time teaching them before they got into school. There are also students who you can tell don't get as much attention as they need at home, and are a little behind in class.
    I enjoyed observing this age for the classroom because the kids genuinely love the teacher. This first grade classroom was such a fun environment as we sang songs and were able to learn in a fun way. We learned reading, spelling, math, and spent some time doing art projects. As a first grade teacher, your job is to teach your students the basics in a fun and safe environment for them to learn in. 
    As a teacher, you have to observe each student and their learning style so you can adjust your lessons accordingly. It is your job to be able to teach your students in a way that they can best learn and understand. This is especially important as the children will build on the things you are teaching them now.