Friday, February 27, 2015

Week of 2/26/15

    In the class that I am currently observing, I work with a boy that has ADHD, OCD, and is bipolar. These three things combined make school a struggle for him every single day. He constantly has to have someone by his side to help him keep on track. The teacher of this class is very patient as she works with him and many other students and makes many changes to her lessons to accommodate various students.
    The specific accommodations she has made for this little boy really help keep him on task while also praising him. He has a chart on his desk and every time she sees him doing something good or staying on task, she gives him a mark, then a reward once his chart is filled. While I attend the class, I help students with various worksheets she gives them, reading, and math. He has a hard time focusing but also can't move on to the next problem unless everything on his desk is perfect. While I work with him, I repeat instructions and questions multiple times to help him stay on task while also praising him when he is staying focused. Many times I have seen the teacher allow him to leave assignments unfinished because he has given the best he can. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Week of 2/5/15

    I went to a new class this week and this week was wonderful. I was in a classroom at a charter school this week that had about 12 students. I was able to work one on one with a couple of them and loved every minute of it. The kids were so enthusiastic and excited to learn. 
    The first student I worked one on one with was a student that needed a little extra attention. The teacher informed me he has OCD, ADHD, and is bipolar. I sat with him for nearly an hour and helped him stay on task and made sure he understood assignments. I helped him with his worksheets, through his math test, and helped him do some reading. As I was working with him throughout the day, I was able to see more clearly the different learning levels of each student. I was able to see how the teacher altered the lessons to fit each child's needs to help them.
    The students in this class loved the extra attention I was able to give them. Every student made sure to find something I could help them with, even if they understood the assignment well. I spent 3 hours in this class in one day and fell in love with the kids. They were truly excited to see a new face in the classroom and made me feel extra special. I know if I was a teacher the love that I would have for my students would be tremendous.