Thursday, February 5, 2015

Week of 2/5/15

    I went to a new class this week and this week was wonderful. I was in a classroom at a charter school this week that had about 12 students. I was able to work one on one with a couple of them and loved every minute of it. The kids were so enthusiastic and excited to learn. 
    The first student I worked one on one with was a student that needed a little extra attention. The teacher informed me he has OCD, ADHD, and is bipolar. I sat with him for nearly an hour and helped him stay on task and made sure he understood assignments. I helped him with his worksheets, through his math test, and helped him do some reading. As I was working with him throughout the day, I was able to see more clearly the different learning levels of each student. I was able to see how the teacher altered the lessons to fit each child's needs to help them.
    The students in this class loved the extra attention I was able to give them. Every student made sure to find something I could help them with, even if they understood the assignment well. I spent 3 hours in this class in one day and fell in love with the kids. They were truly excited to see a new face in the classroom and made me feel extra special. I know if I was a teacher the love that I would have for my students would be tremendous.

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